Mr. Noodle

Mr. Noodle
Mr. Noodle

Monday, August 8, 2011

gardening in the praries

I woke up this morning, early, around something like 4am is my guess, and my thoughts just started running around and crashing into each other in my head. I haven't been sleeping well this past week in particular, not sure why (maybe my body knows something I don't, like maybe I'll get to be with My Sweety soon and is excited).

I mentioned before my sister's garden. It could be massive, there could be way more food produced there than she has planted. With two small children, there was no way my sister was going to plant up and maintain a huge garden. So she planted a half dozen things in May, and then forgot about it.

When I was living on south Vancouver Island and had a small vegetable garden, I started planning my garden months ahead. I started seeds indoors. I mapped out what seeds & seedlings would go in each raised bed, ensuring that I didn't put the same crops in as the year before because crop rotation was important. There was a fence around the small garden to keep the deer & rabbits out. I had cooper wire netting around each bed to keep the slugs out. I went through my garden every day to pull weeds, thin seedlings, remove pests. My garden was my baby. About six weeks after some things were planted, such as salad greens & peas, I started harvesting. As the dill came out and the chives started to flower, we ate those too.

In my first year of gardening, I learned and absorbed as much information about how to grow a successful garden as I could. Gardeners on the west coast have a rolling harvest. My friend Toni harvests from her garden every day.

Around here, people plant their garden in May, harvest some time in August or September. Harvest the corn when the corn is ready, the potatoes when the potatoes are ready, the onions when the onions are ready. The lettuce, I observe, has been ready for weeks, and I'm the only one harvesting it. Not only that, it is a variety that could probably serve as cut & come again.

Something else: because my sister had not been able to attend to her garden, the weed population had grown to almost fill in the rows with green. Weeds here are combated with the rototiller.

The raspberries in the back are now full-on ready. If only I had time to get to them, get them in the house without eating them first, and make jam. Not that I can take jam across the border, but still. Lori has a hundred or so empty mason jars downstairs, ready for jam. The Saskatoon berry bushes have, I kid you not, probably about a hundred pounds of fruit on them right now. Ready. Think of all the pie and preserves!

No time, no time. Today it has been a month since I arrived here on the farm. Tomorrow it will have been eleven weeks since I have seen my husband. Yesterday was 75 days since he filed the original petition for my immigration to the United States. We talk and we text, but we are both having a hard time without each other. I at least have the kitty with me, and the comfort & familiarity of family. Dan is in a new place in a new empty home without me, without furniture. I can't wait to get there so we can start rebuilding our nest together. Lori keeps me busy with all kinds of things, next she wants me to renovate a bathroom... 

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